A half-feral hero, a monster king, a bastard prince, and an open world. Why save the world when you could collect one of everything, instead?
Site News
- Important Site Updates!
I make news posts now!
By default I’ve set all current subscribers to get news updates. I don’t think I’ll be posting news more often than a few times a year, because I don’t do anything worth updating people about that often. I’ve got a day job. That’s just how it goes. If you don’t want to hear about that either, you can unsubscribe, but don’t come crying to me if I suddenly get really into AI-generated memecoin NFTs and you keep giving me money because you didn’t get emailed an incomprehensible screed about the Federal Reserve.
(This will probably not happen, but there are many ways for an artist to disappoint you.)
There is now a toggle to switch between dark and light mode on the website! Let me know if anything looks weird.
If you’re a paying member, you should now have the ability to sign up to get update notifications delivered to your email. I can’t email out full chapters because every newsletter service is apparently run by the ghost of Anthony Comstock. I can’t stop non-paying members from signing up, but only the paying ones are going to get anything.
Getting email set up sucked so hard and has cost so much money that I’m giving it a three month test. If, in three months, it turns out no one is actually using it and the ones who use it aren’t opening it, we’re going back to the FeedRabbit workaround. If that happens, I will send out one last email to let everyone know they’re on their own.
I updated my RSS feeds so that you can use Recast This to drip-feed posts to your RSS reader if that’s something you enjoy (I know I do!).
I had to manually port everyone over to the new membership system. Stuff like payment information did not port over, so when your subscription expires, you’re going to have to renew manually. I cannot force you to be subscribed, so you cannot update your payment information yourself or set yourself to renew until your membership expires or you upgrade. This is going to lose a lot of people who are only here because they never got around to unsubscribing, but so it goes. The membership tiers start at $2 a month or $15 a year, but there are new premium tiers for $5 a month or $40 a year if you want to be able to comment. You should get an email when your subscription expires.
Memberful gave you a terrible username, but no one else should ever see it and you can log in with your email. They also set your display name to your full legal name probably! You should change that!!
There are comments now! If you use the comments for spam, abuse, or harassment, I will ban you without a refund. The new commenting system has user badges! Some of them are pride flags. If you want a pride flag badge, you can comment on this post or send me a message to let me know and I’ll assign it for you. If I can get it set up so that you can decorate your profile as you see fit, I will let you know.
If you upgrade from basic to premium, you will be charged the full amount for premium immediately with no discount. This sucks, but fixing it would cost me $600 a year that I don’t have. If this happens to you, let me know, and I will do math to add more time to your subscription.
I’ve tried to set anyone who donated a larger amount to the premium tier already. If you were using PWYW on Memberful or another donation site to pay enough to hit the premium tier, forward your email receipt to kitty at kittyunpretty dot com and I’ll get you upgraded. I tried to integrate the ability to pay for a membership with Patreon or Ko-Fi, but it turns out that also costs money so if you want that you’ll have to let me know so I can do it manually. In general, if anything has gone horribly wrong somewhere, please email me so I can try to fix it.