Unprofessional Behavior: Pillowtalk

Unprofessional Behavior

This bonus short story was a commissioned work from a reader.
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Victoria swept into the house like a dark cloud carried by a strong wind. She found Jeremy lounging on the couch in the living room, reading a paperback. He looked away from it long enough to acknowledge her, and she held the object of her ire aloft: a wedge of fabric-covered foam.

“Did you buy me a fuckpillow?” she demanded.

“No,” he said immediately, neither offended nor amused.

“Really,” she said, indignant enough for the both of them. “Because this looks like a fuckpillow.”

“Well it’s not.” He looked back at his book as if this ended the discussion.

“What the fuck is it, then?” she asked, lowering her arm and tossing it onto the couch near his feet.

“It’s an acid reflux pillow,” he said, not looking up from his book, and Victoria was physically taken aback, her posture tilting.

“A what?” she asked.

“An acid reflux pillow,” he repeated. He reached down and picked the pillow up to set it awkwardly under his head. “It’s supposed to put you at an angle while you sleep so it’s harder for things to come back up.”


“It’s also supposed to help with snoring,” he said, setting his book down with its pages open on his chest.

“I do not snore,” she said, hackles rising again.

“I never said you did.”

“And I don’t get acid reflux, either,” she added.

“I figured,” he said, which she was sure was offensive in some way that she could not at this moment pinpoint. “But it’s good to have confirmation.”

“Then why did you have it sent to me?” she asked.

“So it’d be easier to keep a good angle when we fuck,” he said, matter-of-fact.

Automatically she held her hands up as if to wring his neck, fingers all curled into angry claws, before catching herself and dropping them into fists. Her face was turning red. “It’s a fuckpillow,” she said, gesturing to it.

“No it isn’t.”

His air of tranquility was somehow more infuriating than if he were being deliberately smug.

“You just said,” she pointed out, “that it is a pillow that you purchased to fuck on.”

“Yeah,” he said, “but it’s not a fuckpillow. Pillows explicitly for fucking cost two to three times as much. This is a medical bed wedge, it’s cheaper.”

“That is a meaningless distinction,” she said, putting her hands on her hips.

“It’s extremely meaningful if you don’t want to get gouged by unethical fuckpillow salesmen.”

“Don’t account at me,” she snapped.

“Accounting is not a thing that can be done at a person.”

“Oh, it very much is.”

He considered this. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s probably fair. I’ve accounted at quite a few people, come to think of it.”

“No shit. Don’t just buy fuckpillows for people.”

“It was on sale,” he shrugged.

“Oh my god.”

“And I had reward points.”

“For fuck’s sake.”

“Yes. It is for the sake of fuck that I could not pass up on this limited time offer on already reasonably-priced medical bed wedges.”

“There has literally never been a less-sexy series of words than the ones that just came out of your mouth. I’ll—it’s going to be months before I can remember what being aroused feels like.”

“… really?”

She regretted her choice of words immediately. He reached down, and very pointedly unzipped his pants. Victoria felt her face start to turn hot.

Immediately, Jeremy started to laugh. “Fuck you,” she spat, and he laughed harder. He rolled sideways, and his book fell to the floor—she found some small satisfaction in the fact that he’d lost his place without a bookmark.

“You’re so fucking easy,” he said, wiping one of his eyes as he sat upright. She huffed, and moved just closer enough to grab a decorative pillow off a nearby chair and throw it at him. He didn’t acknowledge it bouncing off his shoulder. “I’m sorry, that was mean,” he said, not at all remorseful as he zipped himself back up. “Want to take it for a spin?” he asked.

“No!” She crossed her arms. “I do not need a special pillow to fuck.”

“It’s not—this isn’t a criticism of your ability to take a dick,” he said, holding up the wedge. “It’s a comfort thing. You’re fun-sized.”

“I am not—”

“There’s a height difference,” he amended. “This helps.”

She was not mollified.

“What?” he asked. “Is it—do you draw the line at sex-related housewares? Too much like buying you furniture?”

“It’s not—I mean, it’s obviously not furniture,” she said. “Just—I would have thought, if you were going to buy me some special sex thing, it wouldn’t be so…” She trailed off, making a vague hand gesture signifying nothing.

“… a special sex thing.”

“I don’t know,” she said, waving him off. “It’s fine.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Did you… want it to be furniture?” he asked.


“Like some kind of rack, or…?” She rolled her eyes. “Oh my god, you did.”

“No, I didn’t,” she sighed. “It was a very practical purchase, it just surprised me, that’s all.”

“You didn’t want practical,” he accused. “You wanted artisanally hand-dyed rope or something.”

“You don’t even do rope stuff.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, taking his turn as the affronted party.

“It means you don’t do rope stuff.”

“I could do rope stuff,” he said, defensively. “You never asked.”

“Fancy, elaborate bondage isn’t really your thing,” she said. “That’s all I meant, it wasn’t a criticism. You’re into improvised tools and… practical wedge pillows.”

Hey.” He frowned, hugging the wedge to his chest. “That’s—okay, I’m getting on Etsy.” He threw the pillow aside and snatched his phone off the end table.

“What?” she asked, flabbergasted.

“Just for that, I’m buying a bunch of weird shit.”

“I just said it wasn’t a criticism.”

“You want to get weird, let’s get weird,” he continued, as if she hadn’t spoken. “Practical wedge pillows,” he muttered. “I’m getting you a—a matching set of cuffs.”


“This full set, here, with the collar and the little—oh my god there’s a version with cat ears, I’m getting you that one.”

“I’m not—what?” She circled around the couch so that she could get behind him and see his screen. “I’m… I’m not wearing those,” she said, starting to flush.

“You bet your sweet ass you are,” he said, sounding supremely satisfied. “Look at all these fucking ribbons and shit, this is going to be so fucking cute.”

“N—no.” She pressed the backs of her fingers to one of her cheeks to check how hot it was.

The answer was ‘very’.

“And fucking you while you’re handcuffed is going to be a lot easier, what with the fuckpillow.”

“You don’t have to buy me things,” she half-mumbled. He snorted.

“Yeah, because you’re the only one that’s going to enjoy this. Get over here.” He patted the couch next to him, still going through the checkout process.


“Because I’m going to eat you out,” he said, matter-of-fact again.

“Oh.” She started to move.

“I’m going to beat your ass first, though,” he added, and she froze. “You made me lose my place,” he reminded her, nodding towards his book.

“That is not my fault,” she said.

“Every second you spend not shutting the fuck up and getting over here is another second I’m going to spend spanking you, just so you know.”

She opened her mouth, shut it again, then dropped onto the couch in sullen silence beside him. She touched her necklace, and contemplated cute collars with ribbons.

“There’s my good girl,” he said, stroking her hair, and she let a frisson of pleasure pass through her. She turned to kiss him abruptly, pressing her mouth to his and sidling clumsily into his lap. He froze, then melted underneath her, touching his forehead to hers.

“Yeah, okay,” he said, smiling. “This works, too.”

Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Twenty-Two

“Victoria, tell your boyfriend to put a shirt on.”

“I have a name,” Jeremy said indignantly from where he was lying on the ground, hair perilously close to the bonfire, feet on the perfectly good folding chair he wasn’t using.

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Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Twenty-One

Jeremy wasn’t in bed when Victoria woke up. Every part of her ached, and every movement hurt muscles she didn’t even think were involved. It was the click of her front door that woke her, and she couldn’t tell if he was coming or going until he peered into the bedroom. He was wearing a different shirt, and his hair was wet.

“Hey,” he said, almost a whisper. “Can I come in?”

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Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Twenty

Jeremy was busy with meetings all day, making him easy to avoid. She left early to get home before he would, but that turned out to not be necessary. He was late, and the anticipation of waiting tied her stomach into knots.

She tried sitting on the couch. She tried sitting on the stairs outside. She tried sitting on the stairs inside. She left her shoes on, then took them off. Nothing felt right, nothing gave the right sense of polite distance. She was too antsy to sit. She stood near the entryway instead, rocking on her feet. She’d dropped her things off in her kitchen, too worried that she would accidentally leave something upstairs and need to come back for it. She wouldn’t want to talk to him right away after telling him, she already knew that. He was going to try to argue with her, going to make it sound reasonable when he did. She played out imagined arguments in her head, and wished she had her phone.

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Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Nineteen

“I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here, Miss Garcia,” Jeremy teased. His tone made it clear he was making the obvious assumption about why she’d corner him alone in the men’s room. She didn’t mean to be nervous, but there must have been something in her expression to make his eyes go wide and his smile disappear. “Shit,” he said immediately, scrambling to dry his hands and taking too many paper towels in the process.

“It’s fine,” she said, though she knew he wouldn’t believe her. He never did. He just pretended, sometimes. “I just…” She swallowed the nothing stuck in her throat. “I know you’re busy on Wednesdays, but I’d like to do something after work.” Her nails pressed against her hands. “If you can. It’s not a big deal.”

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Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Eighteen

Victoria was curled up on Jeremy’s couch, wrapped in a throw blanket with her laptop on her knees. She was catching up on email, only dimly aware of the game Jeremy was playing. It seemed to involve a lot of horseback riding through the desert.

“I should probably mention,” he said, apropos of nothing, “I’m not going to be here for Christmas.”

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Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Seventeen

Victoria wasn’t trying to be clingy, but it seemed to be happening regardless. Being in a church surrounded by strangers turned out to be extraordinarily uncomfortable, and she was dealing with it by staying as close to Jeremy as she could.

It didn’t help, either, that he was in the process of trying to break into one of the rooms. She had not actually been aware that churches had rooms, at least not in the way that other buildings had rooms. Utilitarian carpeting and water fountains. It reminded her of an elementary school.

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Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Sixteen

Victoria: Want to meet me in the storage room in twenty minutes or so?
Jeremy: We probably shouldn’t
Victoria: Why?
Jeremy: I think they’re onto us
Victoria: What?
Victoria: Fuck.
Victoria: The nerd guys.
Jeremy: Will and Darren
Victoria: You knew who I meant.
Jeremy: I told them not to mention it
Victoria: That just made it seem like a big deal.
Victoria: So now everyone knows we’re fucking, or what?
Jeremy: A few people think we might be dating
Victoria: You go on dates with other chicks, though.
Victoria: Does that not throw them off at all?
Jeremy: I haven’t gone out in a while
Victoria: Shit.
Victoria: Why not?
Jeremy: I didn’t want to?
Victoria: Did you run out of Tindr?
Jeremy: I decided I didn’t want to go out when I could stay home and fuck you instead
Jeremy: Sue me
Victoria: Well look where that got us.
Victoria: At work, not fucking.
Jeremy: We can still fuck after work just fine
Victoria: Your dick was like my favorite fringe benefit, though.
Jeremy: Was that in your employment contract
Victoria: It probably should have been.
Jeremy: I’m sorry about this
Victoria: It’s fine.
Jeremy: It’s not
Jeremy: You wanted this to be under the radar
Victoria: It was stupid to think we could keep it that way.
Victoria: You like having people over and stuff.
Jeremy: You’re always free to join us when I do
Victoria: It’s fine.
Jeremy: Do you still go on walks?
Victoria: Not really.
Jeremy: Why not?
Victoria: There’s nowhere to really go.
Jeremy: I can show you some places
Victoria: It’s fine.
Jeremy: You sure?
Jeremy: Do you only like walking in the woods?
Victoria: Kind of, yeah.
Jeremy: There’s the woods behind the house
Victoria: Those aren’t woods.
Victoria: Those are privacy trees.
Jeremy: Same/diff
Victoria: Privacy trees are completely different and also gross.
Jeremy: I’ll take your word for it
Jeremy: I just feel like I took your privacy and your hobby away?
Victoria: Walking by creepy train tracks wasn’t a hobby.
Victoria: It was a thing to do.
Jeremy: That’s what a hobby is
Victoria: You know what I mean.
Victoria: I’ll find something new to do when I need alone time.
Jeremy: Shit
Jeremy: Alone time means you won’t want to go hiking with me right
Victoria: God no.
Victoria: Why would I ever.
Jeremy: For fun and fitness
Victoria: I’m disgusted.
Jeremy: >:3
Victoria: Oh Christ don’t start with that shit again.
Jeremy: >:3c


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Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Fifteen

Jeremy tapped his controller thoughtfully against his knee. Outside, rain continued to pour.

“I could just not play,” Darren suggested.

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Unprofessional Behavior: Chapter Fourteen

Jeremy: Coming over tonight?
Victoria: Can’t.
Jeremy: K
Victoria: Apartment hunting.
Jeremy: ??
Victoria: My building got condemned.
Jeremy: ?????
Victoria: Yeah.
Victoria: The plumbing was always pretty fucked up but now no one’s getting water.
Victoria: Nothing is working.
Victoria: Instead of fixing it I guess they’re just going to… not?
Jeremy: Are you okay?
Victoria: Yeah.
Victoria: I’m buying bottled water.
Jeremy: How soon do you need to be out?
Victoria: Within a couple days I guess?
Victoria: I don’t know.
Victoria: I’ll get it figured out.
Jeremy: What about my place?
Jeremy: ?
Victoria: No, I have some leads.
Jeremy: I mean the basement apartment
Jeremy: It’s all fixed up and everything
Victoria: Don’t worry about it.
Jeremy: As a temporary measure to get you somewhere with a working shower
Jeremy: There’s also a big tub if that helps
Victoria: Are you bribing me with plumbing?
Jeremy: Maybe
Jeremy: You’ve never even seen the place I don’t think
Victoria: I haven’t.
Jeremy: It can’t hurt to look
Jeremy: You can at least keep your shit here
Victoria: I’ll check it out.
Jeremy: Dinner?
Victoria: No, later.
Victoria: I’ll eat before I get there.
Jeremy: Okay


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